If I were Mayor of my town | Teen Ink

If I were Mayor of my town

October 22, 2019
By Anonymous

Mayor: the elected head of a city, town, or other municipality. The mayor is the chief executive officer, centralizing executive power. If I were the Mayor of my town I would make laws that would be important to everyday society. Things that will help every day go by smoothly and without a lot of chaos and issues. In today's world, many laws are very strict and can be taken the wrong way. So I’d make the laws a little bit leaner yet but also make sure people still do the right thing.
Kids make mistakes and to be giving a consequence such as juvenile hall for acts that kids can’t control. I’d listen to the people of our town, and let them have a say and to express their emotions on what is happening the current day. The mayor in this type of city is responsible for hiring and firing staff may have veto power and is responsible for implementing legislation passed by the council.
The mayor is responsible for ceremonial duties, and some cities may give the mayor legislative power as well. So I would give power and jobs to people I can trust to make good decisions to help our town/county grow as a whole. I would release people who don’t do their jobs correctly and wisely.
A strong mayor system has strong executive powers like the governor or the president. Under the strong system, the mayor works full time and has a strong influence over the city. A weak mayor system, the Mayor’s power is limited. If I were Mayor of my town I would have the most power and rights but I would be fair, I would be open-minded and make sure everyone has their saying. A mayor has to demonstrate leadership, political savvy, administrative skills, the ability to attract business, jobs, and tourists. If I was a mayor I would always make sure these were used and always practiced.

The author's comments:

I am 13, enjoy writing and have love sports

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