Save the turtles | Teen Ink

Save the turtles

October 18, 2019
By Lambertchase BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
Lambertchase BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
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"Save the turtles,sksksk"

The great pacific garbage patch is 1.6 million square kilometers . It is bigger than the size of Texas. The great pacific garbage patch is killing marine life, 1 million seabirds and 100,000 marine animals are affected each year. Turtles often mistake plastic bags for jellyfish,or they get wrapped in net or wire.    In the text of this story it talks about how much it would cost to clean the pacific ocean “The great pacific garbage patch was created by the north pacific gyre. A gyre is a large system of circulating ocean currents. It will take $122 million to $489 million to clear all of the trash” (10 boston,Hart). Cruise ships dump a large amount of garbage in the ocean,oil spills happen very rarely but they affect the animals in the ocean. Some animals that are dying from garbage is sea turtles,seals and sea lions,seabirds,fish, whales and dolphins (One green planet,Henn) “Sea turtles play a big part in the ocean ecosystems by maintaining healthy seagrass beds and coral reefs” (Oceana,8). If there weren't any sea turtles to maintain the seagrass all of it would die off and become extinct. Seals benefit the environment in many ways,they are top predators in the ocean ecosystem. They eat all types of animals like squid,fish and crustaceans. By them being top predator they maintain the ecological balance. Dolphins also help the environment,dolphins stay in groups called pods. Sharks are scared of dolphins so when sharks are about to attack someone there sometimes has been a pod of dolphins scaring off the shark protecting the human. If the garbage isn't cleaned out of the ocean we can lose a major portion of the animals that live in the ocean. If a sea turtle ingested 14 or more plastic items there chances of dying is very high,more than half of the world's sea turtles have died from plastic. To prevent the animals in the ocean from dying we have to stop littering and cut back from plastic,nothing is going to change unless we do something about it. Think about the poor,innocent sea animals,especially sea turtles. Save the turtles.

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