Blast off to a Great Adventure | Teen Ink

Blast off to a Great Adventure

October 17, 2019
By lgarcia7852 BRONZE, San Pedro, California
lgarcia7852 BRONZE, San Pedro, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Vrroom Pshhht.. Is the noise that woke me up at 1 o'clock in the morning. I couldn't help but want to know what it was. I slid out of my warm bed to the cold and woke up my brother.    

 “Michael wake up”

“mmmm,Lauren if you don’t get out of my room im going to beat you senseless”

“Michael pleaseee”

“ Ughhh, fine”

“Pass me your blanket, I’m cold”

“Girl, get your own”

“Your so mean”

“Shut up you baby”

“Okay, lets go”

We walked downstairs and then outside. Taking small steps heading west. Only to discover that it was just a car crash. 

“Omg, what do we do”

“Where’s your phone”

“Call 911”

 I called 911 and then decided to go inside. My brother practically ran in. But before I made it back into the house, a bright light shone on my face for a split second nearly blinding me. There I go again, not minding my own business. It was this enormous pink crystal. I reached over to examine it to see if it was real, and sure enough it was. It was also rough and rigid. I walked around it and saw a mysterious hole that seemed to be an entrance of some kind. Of course being a typical teenager I had to tweet about it. I went inside recording everything and then the door closed and the temperature started to drop fast. It terrified me, the temperature would go from cold to hot making me panic. I then proceeded to lay on the floor in sheer fear and felt the crystals begin to spin. Then everything stopped, it felt like someone hit the pause button on a loud TV show. I stopped moving and began to look around, no lights, no sound, it was total pitch black. The door opened and what I saw was extraordinary. I was transported into the deep world of the unknown. I was unable to describe anything, it was all from a sci fi movie. However, the quality of the air made me feel like I was about to pass out. I could barely breath if I stood up so instead I sat down. The ground was made of glass and under it were millions of different crystals. White, black, purple and pink. Small, large, thick and thin. The trees looked like they were frozen stiff. They were shiny and so beautiful to the point where one may believe it was fake.  And the creatures that lived in this odd land seemed to be dwarfs, however they seemed to resemble humans in some ways. They had 4 eyes forming a square, one giant eyebrow and theirs ears were where our nose is and their noses were where our ears are. Yet they still looked like us in a way and moved like we would. And the way they communicated was by dancing, similar to bee’s. I of course didn’t understand anything until one of them gave me a paper which was basically a dance guide to the alphabet. They also gave me a hoverboard to stay low on the ground. He or she, I couldn’t tell, danced and spelled out “Lauren you are the only one who can help us. As you can see we are very different from you and yet oddly similar. We have things you don’t have, and we know you understand that it’s nothing personal. But recently we have this one “pal” who “puffffffff, huffffff” ‘he was out of breath. And then he continued.’ This one fella refuses to help us keep our planet clean and is always littering and vandalizing. Will you help us talk to him? Without hesitation I said yes. We began walking and let me tell you, it was so spectacular looking at crystals as we walked. Until we arrived.. I had no idea what to expect nor what to say and being a bad dancer did not help any. Her name is phhatsrama. Oh and my name is rumadumphumbum, my apologies for not introducing myself earlier. Me not knowing how to pronounce her name I danced saying hey I’m Lauren from planet earth, you down to talk she laughed and shuffled okay. We danced and danced laughing because we were so out of breath. Soon later I made her realize that she’s living on one of the most extraordinary planets in which everyone cares for one another and everyone works to keep their environment clean and running. She soon apologized for the inconvenience and terzed which means promise to do better. I was thanked and then escorted back to the ship because I had school. But before leaving, we had a huge dance off and then rumadumphumbum gave me a gift. It was a glass block and inside were crystals to remind me of them. I gave them all a hug and hopped back into the crystal but with water this time. I laid back down and the door opened once again. I was home and man was it good to be back home. I grabbed my gift and walked back inside to find my brother making pizza.

“Hey where have you been?”

“Omg, guess what just happened”

The author's comments:

This piece is suppose to raise awareness about helping to keep our enviroment clean in a very interesting and discret manner.

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