Thank You, Veteran | Teen Ink

Thank You, Veteran

January 4, 2019
By cz20 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
cz20 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Veteran,

Welcome home and thank you for your sacrifice and service. When I say, “thank you for your service”, it means to me, bravery and loyalty to this country and risking your everyday life and I think you did a great job of doing that. It truly means a lot to me that great people like you would do this for us.

My name is Camden. After watching a short movie about the Honor Flight in class, I was influenced in writing a letter to you. I am sixteen years old and after I get done with high school, my plan is to go into the trades as a carpenter. Building houses sounds likes a good job for me because I like to build things and I have experience with carpentry. All though I am not going to serve, I want to be someone that there is not many people of, carpenters. Everytime I tell someone that I am going to be a carpenter, they say it is a great idea because of all the people that are retiring and now no one wants to be a hard worker. Carpentry is what I want to do.

I am very thankful for everyone that has served for our country. My grandpa was in the service and now unfortunately he has alzheimer's and he can't remember much anymore.

In eighth grade, I had an exciting opportunity to go to Washington D.C. I went with a large group and we got to see all of the memorials. I was very thankful when I went to each memorial because I was reminded of how many people risked their lives for our country. Also as we walked to see the remarkable memorials seeing all of the names on them really shows how many people served for our country and that makes me happy.

During this day I hope you receive the recognition and gratitude you always wanted. The first welcome home you had I am sure it was not as great as you wanted it to be so knowing that you and your fellow veterans are having a great day, makes me happy. Thank you so much for reading this letter and I hope you had a great day! Welcome home!


Camden Z.

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