Eating Healthy | Teen Ink

Eating Healthy

September 28, 2018
By JoeRexroat BRONZE, Republic, Missouri
JoeRexroat BRONZE, Republic, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Eating healthy for me is a big deal. I have found over time that it helps you feel better throughout the day and gives you energy so that you are not so tired. In this paper, I will show the pros of eating healthy, and why everyone should eat this way.

My first point is how eating healthy makes you feel good. Since I was little I have been told the same thing by many people. People use the example “If you put bad gas in your car, your car will not run too good” and that is the same thing with your body. Eating healthy is beneficial to staying in a better mood throughout the day. Eating this way makes you look, feel, and even think better. Skipping meals or eating the wrong foods will not help accomplish anything, and will actually make you more tired as you go on throughout the day.

Eating a nutritious breakfast can lower the chances of getting diabetes, heart disease, and being overweight. It is the most important meal of the day. I’m going to use an example from last year. I did not eat breakfast every day and I could not get out of the bad mood that I was in because I had to go to school. Around the end of basketball season, I started to eat breakfast every day. I started this because during off season I wanted to add weight, the kind of weight that makes you stronger, not the unhealthy kind. But I started eating breakfast and eating more every day, and it made me feel like a whole new person when it came to how much energy I had, and how good I felt that day. Now, a lot of the time before school I will go work out and eat breakfast. This makes me feel a lot better as the day goes on.

If you are active or play any sport, the importance of eating healthy is a big deal. It is different for everyone when it comes to weight. For me, I want to gain as much weight as I possibly can so I can get stronger. In order to do this, I eat protein bars after my workouts and protein shakes are a great thing to be drinking too. But for lots of people, losing weight is their priority. Say you do your workout, whatever it may be, and you go back home or go on with your day. Eating to replenish those calories is huge. If you finish working out and do not eat, you do not feel as good as you should. What you eat to gain those calories back is the most important thing. There are so many great tasting foods that are so tempting to eat, but they are not the best for you. If you go to the store, there are many foods that will replenish the calories that you lost, taste good, and are healthy for you too.

Having a healthy lunch and dinner is important too. I have witnessed people simply putting mac-n-cheese in the microwave and calling it their lunch. If you look at the nutrition label, there are only 326 calories in this. An average man is supposed to have around 2,500 calories a day, and the average woman needs a little less than that. But an active teenager needs up to 2,800. So this mac-n-cheese hardly makes a dent in how many calories you are supposed to eat per day, no matter what age. I am using this example to show how people eat little amounts of food that is not necessarily good for them, and then they call it their meal when they have not eaten the right amounts of calories. It is important to look at the nutrition label and find out what you are eating, if it’s enough, and if it is healthy for you to eat.

Every person is different when it comes to physical activity. Now, I am a pretty active person, so I have learned that I obviously have to replenish the calories that I burn working out. But say you are a person who does not work out every single day, eating this way can still help put you in better shape and it is all around good for you. Like I have said in previous paragraphs, it helps with feeling better throughout your day, but also it can help get rid of stress and even acne for the people who have it. There are so many things that eating this way can help.

After highschool, I am still deciding on whether I want to play college basketball. I really want to but it just depends on the offers I get. If I do end up playing, eating the right amount of calories and the right foods will be critical to staying in shape. After highschool starting at about the age of 20, your metabolism starts to slow down. What this means is it gets harder to burn your calories, which makes you gain weight quicker. That is why you seem to gain weight by around the time you get out of college. So, having a great diet is critical to staying in shape, especially whenever you hit the 20-25+ range.

There are many reasons why you should eat healthy. Getting and staying in shape, feeling better through the day, and having more energy are just a few important reasons listed above that should show you that having the right diet very important.

The author's comments:

I chose to write about this because I already knew lots about this topic. During this writing process I found that it was easy to come up with ideas about how to make my writing better.

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