We Are Enough | Teen Ink

We Are Enough

November 1, 2023
By Anonymous

     She never felt enough. She tried and tried and tried but every single time she felt less and less worthy of herself.  Things never have to go her way that's not what she wanted but when Someone wanted something done their way she made sure that'll happen. No one ever did that for her. She tried her hardest. She put herself behind on everything, although, she was not studious or athletic at all she tried just to please others. The assumption was that those liking her would make her feel like she was better and special but that never happened. The time passed and she felt like giving up at some point. Her grades went down, she gave up all sports and that's when people actually noticed her, that's when they became concerned for her but when she actually cared. when she actually felt like she could be someone no one made her feel the same. Now that she feels like nothing, they want to convince her that she is something. No one understands her, no one understands that she really tried and no one will ever understand that she didn't give up one day out of nowhere. It happened slowly and for a reason. She is now a struggling person trying to find herself walking through the crowd and her mind is never where she wants it to be. All she wants is to be happy and become her old self, as much as she tries it's not happening she does not know why.  For most of her life, she made sure that she would please others but never herself, she never understood that the real meaning of her becoming studious was for herself for her future and her own being of now and the present. This girl, this is many people in high school. Everyone slowly loses motivation somehow and the only thing that keeps them going is making someone happy and when they give up just for a little second they begin to struggle and get back to the attractive they were. A short message is to not give up even in the hard moments we can all get back on track, every highschooler goes through this at some point and we should be here for every single one of each other because we are the only people that understand what we're going through and us being those people should be here for everyone.

The author's comments:

 I believe every highschooler can struggle getting through high school and I just want others to understand they arent alone.

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