Venezuelan Migration | Teen Ink

Venezuelan Migration

February 6, 2020
By mushroomtime13 BRONZE, San Pedro Garza Garcia, Other
mushroomtime13 BRONZE, San Pedro Garza Garcia, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The venezuelan migration has been an ongoing crisis for lots of years. People have been fleeing from country to country hoping for a better life and hoping to be accepted to escape violence, insecurity and threats as well as lack of food, medicine and essential services,  Refugees are people that are forced to leave their country due to poverty and insecurity, they have a lack of money and food and they want a fresh start in life, But we need to find the main topic for the causes of Venezuelan migration.


Where do refugees from Venezuela often escape too .According to the world bank “Historically, LAC has had large migration flows, especially during the first half of the twentieth century” Italians and Spaniards moved to Argentina, Japanese to Brazil, and Chinese to Peru. Since the 1960s, the migration wave has grown within the region and to the United States, especially from Central America.

Venezuela’s migration crisis is different because its sheer magnitude is exerting enormous pressure on recipient countries, particularly in education, employment, and health.

The arrivals on foregin countries' s. According to “Ongoing political, human rights and socio-economic developments in Venezuela ''. Compel growing numbers of children, women and men to leave for neighbouring countries and beyond. Many arrive scared, tired and in dire need of assistance. 

One of these countries is Peru. A total of 870,000 Venezuelan migrants have traveled 4,500 kilometers to reach that country, and more are expected to come. According to a new World Bank report (Spanish), successfully addressing the influx begins with integrating the migrants and harnessing their potential to drive new growth opportunities.

The Venezuelan migration helps people realize how hard it is to maintain a healthy and safe life in a not safe environment. You can notice how hard it is for people to travel and how they just want a better life. The lives of people are corrupted and destroyed due to violence and non government protection, we should feel bad for them and do everything to support them. This issue matters a lot because they are people just like us and they only get one chance to have a good life and we should help them achieve that goal.


Work cited

“Many Venezuelans Are Migrating to Other Countries in Latin America.” Newsela, Newsela Staff, 9 Nov. 2008,

“Venezuelan Migration: The 4,500-Kilometer Gap Between Desperation and Opportunity.” The World Bank, 2019

“‘We Left Everything in Venezuela. We Don’t Have a Place to Live or Sleep and Have Nothing to Eat.’” UNHCR, 9 Nov. 2019,

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