World Hunger | Teen Ink

World Hunger

October 22, 2019
By Anonymous

If I could end one problem in this world, it would be world hunger. I would end this because there are 795 million people in this world that go hungry a day. The definition of hunger is a feeling of discomfort or weakness due to lack of food.12.9 percent of the population are also undernourished. One third of all food is wasted which would be enough to feed the hungry people. Poor nutrition causes almost half of the deaths each year. I think that more tax money should be put towards making sure people do not go hungry.

One way that you could help out in reducing the number of people that go hungry is to spread the word. This may not seem like it does a lot but the more people that know about it the better. There are things called food banks and anti hunger groups and the more people that volunteer for those organizations the easier it would be to stop world hunger. These organizations collect food from businesses and communities and donate it to the poor. There are more organizations like the Children's Hunger Alliance that you can tell people about.

Another way to help is to volunteer or donate to organizations or businesses that help stop world hunger. Some great credible organizations are The Hunger Project, Oxfam America, Bread for the World, and many more. You may not have enough money for a large donation, but anything helps. You can also volunteer for food drives and other businesses that distribute food to families in need.

Lastly, you can eat less meat. Meat production uses up forty percent of grain crops because the livestock and fish need to eat. This may be difficult because a large group of people would have to stop eating meat for this to work. In the U.S alone, there are 7.3 million vegetarians and if more people contribute they would need even less livestock. Meat production in the U.S. raises 1.3 percent each year. In the U.S. alone, about 103 billion pounds of meat are produced.

In conclusion, world hunger may take a lot to end, but even the littlest contribution helps. There are many more ways than the ones listed, but those are just a way to start. There are about 220 million less people hungry than there were thirty years ago, but there is still a lot of work to be done.

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