Different Perspective | Teen Ink

Different Perspective

February 11, 2019
By Lindsy09 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Lindsy09 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Inexplicable Logic of my Life only conveys one standpoint which is Salvador's and how everything affects him.Showing the whole story through one angel does not give the second most important character as much credit. Saenz depicts the story through Salvador's point of view as well as how he deals with hardships as a teenager but if shown through Vicente's perspective the story would show how the main character's actions affect those around him.

As the main characters father,Vicente has a calm way of dealing with his sons tendency of using his fists, for example, in the novel Vicente just speaks to him,  ‘“Look at me,’ he said. I looked into his eyes… I was glad I didn't see any anger. And then he said, ‘ Salvador, it's not okay to go punching people in the face.”’ (Saenz 11) In addition, ‘He didn’t take away my dignity. He didn’t take away yours either, salvie. You really think a punch to the nose changed a damn thing?”’(Saenz 14). Vicente lent his ear to Salvador and told him the reason why it’s wrong the way he took action even if he was only trying to defend his dad for the love and respect he has for him. As well with the genius way he used his words to defend his son's actions even if does not condone violence.

Vicente has a proper way of parenting his son Salvador showing his affection and understanding but still calling him out on his actions. After the incident Salvador has to go to the principal's office because he punched a boy who called his dad a faggot. This action taken by him is supposedly to defend his dad but it makes things more messy. In a calm manner Salvador gave his side on why he punched him and he was given suspension as his punishment because this action of violence is unacceptable. The consequence of him not thinking before doing caused him obtain an uncomfortable position with the principle. Supporting his son Vicente explained to him that not everything in life will turnout colorful that's how it works out, but also he should remain the higher person to not fall into trap, that would make him act out in a violent matter. Vicente being a gay guy could get defensive about what happens but he doesn't and stays calm an collected but at this point he stepped in by saying, ‘“Well, then we have nothing to discuss, do we? If school can't be take responsible held responsible for the things say off school grounds, then the school can't possibly be held responsible for what they do off school grounds,”’ (Saenz 21),  this statement he made as a dad question the whole power of the school and how can they really stop anything going on outside. Ending with him saying both should have a punishment because either one didn't do anything to be proud of. Not only did Vicente have to deal with an inconsiderate parent that made it look like using a derogatory term is fine but as well as the principle not trying. Being a loving father and willing to do anything for his son's happiness he will sacrifice his own.

Having only his son the person who he would sacrifice anything for including his boyfriend Marcos, Vicente would undoubtedly drop him in a heartbeat. Saying he’s fine about the whole relationship with Marcos but looking uncertain make Vicente go into turmoil about his decision on having a relationship. Salvador talking to Samantha  and she expresses her dislike towards Marcos “But really, I felt the same way she did. Only she was honest about it” (Saenz 227), the insecurity that Salvador has will affect Vicente choice in how he will deal with Marcos. Salvador's reaction to their relationship will determine all of it.

Showing the Inexplicable Logic of my Life through Vicentes point of view would give the whole story a new set of eyes on the actions that Salvador taken and their aftermath. Setting the whole story surrounding Salvador actions and how believes there's a reason for their actions as well as how he might think that he’s still the calm guy. Concluding that not only do other people get affected by his actions of uncertainty and violence but as well as his father, Vicente.

The author's comments:

This piece was created from a book a read and how the main charactes actions affect his dad and does around him.

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