Fiction Book Ban | Teen Ink

Fiction Book Ban

January 18, 2019
By Kyler_Lapotko BRONZE, Mukwonago, Wisconsin
Kyler_Lapotko BRONZE, Mukwonago, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The new book ban at the middle school how may it affect the 6-8 grade students. It says that the ban of the fiction books is effective immediately starting on January 14, 2019. In the letter it states that”We will be removing all fiction novels from classrooms,libraries and placing them in a secure location”This will impact the lives of many 6-8 graders because they need to be able to find a good book series fiction or nonfiction they need to be able to use their imagination to enjoy school and be able to look forward to being able to finish a book they enjoy. The letter says “Majority of the students are reading very, little if any nonfiction” which in some cases would be true but not all students can find reading nonfiction book enjoyable. they need to be able to express them self in reading different books that involve magic,action.mystery.Although there are books like that that happened in real life some kids might enjoy them knowing that more action could possibly take place. The letter also states that reading nonfiction books will help with our academic future which in some views is true because it happened in real life and it will teach you but kids may not find them interesting.

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