Technology: Then and Now | Teen Ink

Technology: Then and Now

December 19, 2018
By Anonymous

Technology has changed drastically day-to- day life in the 20th and 21st century. Overall, improvements in technology can be seen through understanding the ways in which older devices are still used, how newer devices have replaced older versions, and how technology generally helps all communities.  Although there are some consequences of using newer devices, ultimately, newer forms of technology have greatly improved daily life.

First, the technology back in the 20th century was not as good as the technology now in our cities and homes. The most exciting technological inventions in the 20th century are more commonly known as the television, the television was mostly used for the news so you could see the latest stories, weather, plus sports. Another change that was brought into the 20th century was automobiles, cars and motorcycles had a big change in the 20th century and even now. The final big technological invention in the 20th century is cell phones, since cell phones don’t really have a use now in the 21st century they were a big change in the 20th century because there was mobile calling and texting, this helped people who were in another state or country.

Second, the technology in the 21st century is very useful because it is new and has more advantages. The more used pieces of technology are smartphones and computers like the most famous company apple with their macbooks and Iphones and second place Android with the  galaxy note 9 and the galaxy s9. Second, TV’s are now in color and have HDMI ports for gaming systems like playstation, Xbox, ETC, they also still hook up DVD players and VHS (if you still use them). A final piece of technology is eco friendly cars like tesla, subaru, and more, these cars have made the world of transportation bigger and better with there new technological upgrades like engines, bodies, and interiors.

Third, these technological productions have upgrades that are good and bad in comparison and should be brought up for their safety. First, the smartphone companies have waterproof and shockproof phones which are good for younger people but it is not fully waterproof, there is only a certain amount of time that you can have your phone in water; the same as shockproof, it can only fall a certain height before the phone cracks or breaks. Second, TV’s also have good and bad side, the good side is they are now being put in schools for education only; the bad side is that some of them are overpriced like a $1,000 TV. Finally, newer cars have a ton of good sides but there are also secrets to them that are bad, like an incident where a car with a touchscreen dashboard that got hacked so the driver couldn't have control of it, luckily they were safe; a good side is some of the cars have a lot of accident protection and a touch screen dashboard that you can call of of instead of your phone.

Finally, though technology has trust, safety, and a stronger community. First, street lights help cars with when there supposed to stop and go. Second, scientists use technology for cures, blood samples, medicine, and other things. Third, databases help law enforcement or forensic teams look for people that are dangerous or are missing. Finally, home security, for example ring, a doorbell with a camera and voice activation to scare and capture home invaders. Overall, there is new and old technology that has upgraded or stopped production, there are good sides that could help our cities and homes like Iphones, macbooks, ETC; There are also bad sides like bugs, hacks, costs, and false advertisement; in the end technology has grown in luck and failure.

The author's comments:

This is a writing project in my 9th grade english honors class.

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