What My Teammates Really Need To Hear | Teen Ink

What My Teammates Really Need To Hear

May 16, 2018
By Livthewriter BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Livthewriter BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Every time we walk out on that field, we walk out together.
Everytime we make a move, we make it together.
Everyday we show up to give it all we got, we leave our hearts on the field. Wedevote everything we have because because of out common love for the game. All different individuals, we unite to form one superpowered machine that no one can mess with. We push ourselves not only our own selves and for the sport, but for each other. Because everything one of us does, everyone is affected. Everytime you make a mistake, I will be right there to pick up the ball for you and put it in your stick so that you can take another shot- another shot to prove yourself. I will always run right next to you so I can remind you loudly, “You got this” and  “Never give up”. Because the second that you stop pushing yourself and stop giving 110% is the second that we all fall apart. We can fight and not get along all we want off the field, but as soon as our cleats hit the turf, we are all together and all one family. Because you can’t have a well-oiled machine with a bolt missing.

The author's comments:

My teammates and their gratitude towards our game and towards each other inspiried me to write this.

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