Love Exists | Teen Ink

Love Exists

March 5, 2018
By dolphinic3 BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
dolphinic3 BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Love. Love is a word too difficult to describe. Love is happiness, sadness, laughing, crying, smiling, frowning, anger, and so much more all described into one word. I feel as if the word “love” itself is too complex to actually define. There’s too many emotions and actions put into love and its depth is infinite. When I think of the word love I think of Timmy hugging me, Lillian smiling, Ana dancing around the workshop, Okilani singing spanish music, my sister kissing me on the cheek, play fighting with Gavin, a simple text saying “I love you”, and many more things that involve the beauty of life.

Love is also pain. It is the pain of letting someone go, watching your friend die, losing your best friend, feeling the pain someone you love experiences, and watching your loved one struggle in life. Love can be miserable, and even depressing, but it is only because with beauty comes pain. The world has to maintain the balance such as happiness with sadness, calm with frightened, and so on.

Although love hurts and feels good at the same time to receive and give, I am proud to say that I am truly blessed to be loved and to love so many people in my life. If there was no love in my life, I would feel as if all is lost. Love is a blessing and it is best we all treat it as it is. May love remain in your life as a consistency. Cherish all the good and bad moments, for life is short and only a very few blessings come your way.

The author's comments:

Cherish what life throws at you :)

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