Take a Moment | Teen Ink

Take a Moment

December 13, 2017
By jordanklem5 BRONZE, Park Rapids, Minnesota
jordanklem5 BRONZE, Park Rapids, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mother nature has been a part of us forever, she was there when we first felt raindrops and the touch of the warm sun on our cheeks. She provides us with things as a real mother would. And at times we take her for granted.

In today’s world we are always stuck inside watching television or on some sort of technology. When we do go outside we take pictures or text people about our experience outside, but we never take the time to enjoy what we see. We never take time to enjoy the way the leaves fall upon us, like slow moving rain.  Or the way a rainbow can paint the sky. But we are missing a lot more than what it looks like. We are missing the sound of the wind brushing through the trees and the sound of birds chirping, we miss the smell of fresh morning air. If we would actually pay attention to our surroundings ! we would be drowning is a sea of discovery. Missing all of these experiences that mother nature gives us, is the same as not thanking  your mother for buying you gifts, not eating the food she makes for you, or ignoring all she does for you. We must not take mother nature for granted, she teaches us as our real mothers do.

“The earth has music for those who listen.” -George Santayana; we must always take a moment to listen what mother nature has to say.

My mother has always been there for my life experiences, the good and the bad. When I look at mother nature I see some of my own life experiences. For example when I see “a flock of birds headed south for the season it reminds me of the times I have moved to new places. I grew up in a military family”, so moving was a regular thing for me. the leaves paint the ground with colors of brown, red, and yellow. You wouldn’t think that you could relate to the leaves on a  tree, or the way the sky looks, or even the way  the sun stretches across the lake after waking up from a deep sleep.

The author's comments:

this piece discuss the important matters of nature and how we take it for granted. Me personally think that we all seem to be to attached to are electronics, including myself. 

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