Recipe for Self Confidence | Teen Ink

Recipe for Self Confidence

May 1, 2017
By Anonymous

One smile
Two teaspoons of pride in who you are
½ a cup of determination
1 ½ cups of confidence
1 cup of happiness
Lots of love for yourself



Find a large bowl to mix all ingredients for self confidence. First, put one smile into the bowl. A smile is for all the times that you want to show others that you are beautiful. Next, put two teaspoons of pride in who you are into the bowl. Pride in who you are is for the tough times when you feel that you are not good enough. Next, put ½ a cup of determination into the bowl. Determination is for all the times that you think that you cannot succeed. Next add 1 ½ cups of confidence to the bowl. Confidence is for the times that people put you down. Next, add 1 cup of happiness to the bowl. Happiness is for showing others that you are content with you and your life. Next, add lots of love for yourself into the bowl. Love for yourself is the most important ingredient of all because if you do not have love for yourself, you cannot have all of the other ingredients. Finally, enjoy your self confidence.

The author's comments:

I hope that people are encouraged to have confidence in themselves and everything they do in life by reading this piece. 

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