World of Wires | Teen Ink

World of Wires

October 23, 2016
By Anonymous

Over the past couple of days, the cyberattacks have created a turmoil within, at least as far as I know, the area in which I live. Walking down the street you hear the moans of those that are lost without their electronic devices. But, let's face it, those devices are fairly new, fairly recent, yet we believe that they're crucial to our survival, that a digitalized screen is more important to life than food, than shelter, than anything on the basic levels of survival. But the human race has survived centuries without these technological luxuries and they survived, did they not? Maybe these cyberattacks are just wakeup calls for society- unplug and learn to live again.


There is much more than what happens in cyberspace. There are starving, homeless people in the world wishing for a single drop of water, but we're just wishing for a decent wifi connection so that we can finish watching our favorite television show. There are war-torn countries trying to re-establish and unify their regions. Where are we? On the couch, sending goofy pictures to the person sitting in the seat over.


Technology has made us blind, made us separated, made us weak.


Unless we change our ways now, it can be almost guaranteed that our downfall will be technologically based. Cyberattacks would never be such a huge deal had we not relied on electronics to run our lives. We have hands, we have mouths, we have brains- they're not for sending texts or selfies, they're for building, creating, learning, surviving. 


So maybe next time you reach for a device, you should truly ask yourself if what you're about to do is worth it? Is one more picture going to change my life? What about sending efforts to helping the less fortunate? I think the answer is rather clear- unplug, disconnect, and live again.

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