What Freedom Means to Me | Teen Ink

What Freedom Means to Me

March 18, 2016
By TheGolfer PLATINUM, Nashotah, Wisconsin
TheGolfer PLATINUM, Nashotah, Wisconsin
22 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The flag flies high above the ranch home. Neighborhood friends and family rush to say their final goodbyes to young man leaving for war. The family holds back the tears and puts on a smile for the young man fighting for his country. As he drives away in the shiny Ford Mustang, you can see the red, white, and blue flag attached to his window, flying gracefully in the wind.

Every morning, as we hold our hands over our hearts and sing the National Anthem, we realize how fortunate we are to be living in a free country. We have the freedom to act, speak, and think the way we want to. From religion to race, everyone can find a way to come to together and unite as one free, American nation. These freedoms are the result of our nation’s soldiers who fight for us just like that young man. 

The American flag is true piece of art that defines our country. From the white stars showing the fifty states that are strong and stand together as one, to the thirteen stripes representing the thirteen colonies that were the foundation of our country, we are reminded that America is the land of the free.

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