The Masterminds of Tomorrow | Teen Ink

The Masterminds of Tomorrow

October 27, 2015
By Isaac1 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Isaac1 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Humans have only begun to tap into the potential of knowledge and ideas yet to come. There is an extremely vast amount of information still to be studied, explored, and developed. The prospect of human knowledge on earth is endless, let alone in the areas of complete unknown, like space. Humans have such a small amount of information on all topics, compared to the information that has yet to be studied. This limited collection of data that society has gathered is still substantial compared to the past. This pattern of increasing intelligence and experience over time holds true for all fields of study, as the potential for knowledge is endless. Occasionally, society reaches a point where the knowledge being accumulated starts to slow, even while there is still much to learn. It takes a special type of thinking to fix this lack of progress and help to revolutionize the world, as people know it.

The individuals in society who think differently and “out-of-the-box” are the ones who help to transform the world. People with great ideas and a passion for what they work with are able to change the world for the better. These individuals help to influence the society at large solely with their mindset. It takes characters like Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, to keep the world advancing. Steve Jobs had an idea that was unlike anyone had ever imagined before. Even though his ideas were dramatically unlike the rest of society, he was determined enough to continue and follow through with them. His ideas still have a tremendous impact on society because of how differently he thought than everyone else.

Elon Musk has had a remarkable influence on society with his innovations and unique mindset, similar to Jobs. Musk is the founder of three extremely innovative and influential companies: Space X, Tesla, and Pay-Pal. Space X plans to build a human colony on the planet Mars; Tesla is developing extremely innovative and fully electric cars; Pay-Pal helped to transform the Internet. These companies have revolutionized their respective industries and the way that people have started to think. Musk followed through with his ideas that took a unique approach to solve certain problems and inspired society by doing so.

Individuals who have a unique mindset and different approach to things are so important in developing society because they help to spark the ideas and creativity of other people. These people show society that anything is possible; something that was never imagined before can become reality. Musk created his unheard-of ideas with his mindset that lead him to think along the lines of, “Well, what are some of the other problems that are likely to most affect the future of humanity?” (Musk, Business Insider). Society is normally focused solely on money or power, while ideas are the real factors that change the world. Individuals become innovators when they break out of the ordinary beliefs that are in place. Society often puts limitations on advancements that can be made, while in reality the possibilities are endless. People like Musk display the power that can be held when the ordinary beliefs are broken and creative ideas are developed. What is it that keeps individuals from forming extraordinary ideas that change the world?

The great reformers throughout time have always thought differently than the rest of society for a specific reason. Many people often limit themselves on the knowledge that they think can be gained. This outlook blocks all of the possible creative ideas to be developed and limits their potential for advancement. New concepts are developed from the combination of knowledge, along with many creative ideas that diverge from the common path of society. Keeping an open mind to new concepts and being willing to accept change is how the world advances. Musk’s mother notes how he acts differently because he is constantly thinking: “He goes into his brain, and then you just see he is in another world. He still does that. Now I just leave him be because I know he is designing a new rocket or something,” (Haldeman). The people who are able to change the world do so by challenging what exists.


Pushing the boundaries is essential in developing new concepts. Innovation is marked as a dramatic change because it is the development of something that has never existed before. Developing these new concepts requires thinking that diverges from the common beliefs of society. These types of groundbreaking ideas are crucial and will continue to shape society throughout the future.

Creative thinkers are the masterminds of tomorrow. Their advances, in all areas of study, help to structure how society will function. In order for the future to be bright and to hold many opportunities, continual advancements must be made. The innovators of society realize that, “If you get up in the morning and think the future is going to be better, it is a bright day. Otherwise, it’s not,” (Musk, Inc.). These pioneers realize that action must be taken in order to improve the world. They tackle the problems that they see need to be fixed in our world and don’t stop until they find a way to succeed. All individuals must realize that they have the power to determine the outcome of society. If breakthroughs in many fields of study continue to be made from innovative and powerful thinkers, only then will society continue to improve and progress.

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