Smiles | Teen Ink


May 4, 2015
By Jaclyn Guajardo BRONZE, Needville, Texas
Jaclyn Guajardo BRONZE, Needville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As a child our smiles were genuine. We weren't spoon fed with the world's destruction. Our minds were not corrupted with the thoughts of hatred. We didn't worry about, "What if he doesn't like me?" But as we grew, our minds and thoughts grew also. All of the world's thoughts were thrown at us. It was all too sudden to where we didn't even have time to catch it. According to this world, we have to look a certain way in order to fit in, like we are some puzzle piece. You have to have to have a perfect shape in order to fit in this picture. Otherwise you will just be thrown away. Lost in loneliness. But those who are lost are the real beautiful ones. They hide away their pain and rejection with smiles. Smiles that are not genuine. Smiles that are their masks, that is practically etched into their skin. Only time when that mask comes off is at night. At night when they are curled up in the corner of their bed. When all they do is cry. Wondering and picturing the day. The day they will finally be accepted. So they wake up and put punds of make-up on just to feel pretty. Because maybe today is the day they will be called beautiful. Maybe today is the day when someone will find them and see that they are the missing puzzle piecce in this big picture we call life.. That would be the day huh? But that will never happen. No amount of make-up. No amount of clothes we wear just to feel wanted for once. No amount of surgery, no amount of sex, no amount of drugs and drinking. Nothing! Nothing will ever make us get accepted by this filthy world we call life. But the only way we can cope wth being rejected is simply...smilling. I know it's stupid right? It's stupid how life has taught us it doesn't matter if you habve 4.0 GPA. It's stupid how we are forced to carry the world's burden on our shouders. Life is just stupid. Didn't God create this world for us to have happy lives? But Satin came into the media making the media like the fruit Adam and Eve bit into. It made us try to find false happiness. We are supposed to be happy, not depressed. We shouldn't bave to solve problems with a razor cutting into our skin, mixing the blood and tears. We shouldn't be faking our smiles. Our smiles should be real and genuine. Not fake and weak. But you know what? Do you want to know how we can get our genuine smiles back? Listen to my words when I say, life is what you make it. Do not be known as the girl with hatred and who was judgmental. Instead be known as the girl who was real and not fake and weak. Do not be known as the guy who thought he was Mr. High and Mighty and just a man w***e. Instead be known as the guy who was kind, sweet, and honest. Not known as fake and weak. Just remeber life is what you make it. It's just up to you if you will become that beautiful and genuine smile we crave for. Or that fake and weak smile we wear as a mask. Its just up to you now.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because I just want people to open their eyes to reality.

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