Shootings | Teen Ink


January 12, 2015
By Anonymous

Shooting after shooting, innocent life after innocent life taken away. From Sandy Hook to the most recent incident in Texas, gunmen and the atrocities they commit seem to be quite normal for our time. It would be difficult for anyone to watch the news and not to find a story covering a shooting from some part of the country. Even though these incidents don’t seem to be stopping, little has been done to prevent them. There have been many cries from the public for action to be taken, but no one seems to hear. This inability for any decisive action to be taken only allows for more opportunities for more tragedies to occur. Even covering the incidents in media gives more people the same idea and it never seems to stop.

If these shootings are to stop, everyone needs to be heard and to act. It is not enough to say that someone should do something about it. For real change to happen, everyone must do their part, whether it be calling for more regulations or making it easier for others to access and receive the proper psychological treatment. These possible solutions won’t completely solve the problem of shootings, but they are at least steps in the right direction.

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