Individual Worth | Teen Ink

Individual Worth

November 21, 2014
By Anonymous

Dear girls of this crazy world,

You have individual worth. You are beautiful, glamorous, and strong. You are powerful. You are worth far more than any amount of diamonds, rubies, and gold, because you have individual worth. Go look in the mirror; do you see a beautiful shining star full of wonder and awe? Do you see your worth? Your talent? Your beauty? It can’t be said enough that you are amazing. You are the only you in the universe. So make yourself a light unto the nations and even galaxies. Yes, we as human beings are all different; we have different shaped noses, different eye colors, different hair colors, and different personalities, but that is what makes your individual worth, worth so much. That is what makes you unique. That is what makes you stand out among a patch of dark clouds hanging over you. When you hold your head high and your smiles big, that is when your individual worth stands out and shines, shine so bright it’s blinding. You have worth, you have value, and you have beauty.

  Your individual worth

The author's comments:

A lot of girls don't often hear they have worth, I wanted to express to them that they have individual worth.

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