Music and Its Importance | Teen Ink

Music and Its Importance

June 6, 2014
By Anonymous

Since the beginning of time music has always been the way for some people to feel linked in. That is how I am, if I didn’t have music I would be the girl sitting in the corner reading. I would have been dull without music. Music makes me what I am. I wouldn’t have the same friends I have now if I didn’t have music. Music is what I live for. Music for me is the definition of life.

Ever since I was a little girl I loved to sing. I would run around the house singing “Elmo's World”.

In Elementary school choir (which you were required to take) everyone hated it, because instead of singing the newer songs or even listening to them we had to learn about old music. The only difference was while everyone hated it I secretly was looking forward to both 2 days a week we went to choir.

In middle school I made sure I was involved in everything choir related which i pretty much was.

Which included:
Solo & Ensemble (6th, 7th, and 8th grade)
Region choir (7th grade)
Variety show (7th grade-Gravity by Sara Barrielles)
National anthem at sports games (which I played in)
and that is only a small list of things i did in choir.

Music is like a magic portal once you get in it you stay in a whole other world for hours. It's a place you can forget your worries, and just be free. The best part about it I think is that the sky is the limit with music, there are thousands of types! You can truly be free.

The author's comments:
Music is everything when i'm not listening to music I am writing, or I am doing both!!

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