I Got the Wake Up Call | Teen Ink

I Got the Wake Up Call

June 1, 2014
By Raneem SILVER, Riyadh, Other
Raneem SILVER, Riyadh, Other
7 articles 1 photo 1 comment

I don't know how to start this, but like the majority of teenagers, I live the so called "teenage life". My today is like everyday. Internet, shopping and hang outs suit me best. Not interested in any kind of let me work on myself to change something or to develop my skills. Eighteen years in this world with no goals. I had dreams but I did literally anything to make them come true, it's like I don't believe in me, I don't believe I can do it. I just play the "let me search" for what could serve my dreams and bookmark them but then I never came back to checking any. The moment I realised I should start off before it's too late was my exams time. You know exams stress plus having a strong battle with your inner self could bring anyone to depression and that's exactly what happened. Apart from exams I always gave myself a reason to not actually start immediately, telling myself I still have got the time or I'm tired I should go to bed or I need to chat with my buddies, etc.. These were enough to stop me from whatever, they charge my dreams with absolute negative energy so I end up where I started. I'm working on changing that,watching a motivational video a day does help at least a bit. The point is you've got to realise that your boyfriend/girlfriend or best friends won't actually help you through this no one can except YOU! You are the one that should want to be the best, plan ahead, try, fail, then try again, just BELIEVE IN YOU! It could be the best thing that ever happens to this world.

The author's comments:
I'm facing this battle I'm talking about and I'm trying to win, and this article could be my first weapon.

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