Happiness: What I Believe | Teen Ink

Happiness: What I Believe

May 9, 2014
By Anonymous

My idea of happiness has evolved throughout my life. I now believe that happiness comes from bringing people close together, helping others, showing that you care for them/support them, having family and friends around you, and enjoying your life and what you have.

At first I thought that happiness is simply having no regrets, smiling, being around loved ones, having fun, no stress ,laughing, feeling ok about the future, forgetting about problems in life, enjoying life, and no worries. This is what I believed that happiness mean to me, but there are people that don’t believe that this is what happiness is, that it has to do with success in life and having money. But there are people that are happy for what they have and this is called Internal Motivations which means :they are satisfied with themselves of how they are and what they have: thing from inside ,personal growth, relationships, desire to help others. You are more energetic, less depressed and more active in your life. There are some people that want more so they can be happy and this is called External Motivation which means: they are focused on material goals and getting stuff such as things outside yourself, money, image, status. You are less energetic more depressed,and less active in your life. Since learning about happiness, I have been thinking “am I external motivation or am I internal motivation?”

Later, I learned what happiness can do to our lives which is positive emotional feeling, sense of security, good outlook, control over lives, good relationships, meaningful activities. People do believe that when you are happy you do have a positive emotions, ,have control over your life, and do meaningful activities. And I believe this is true because you participate on activities.

Finally, I learned that happiness can also be doing things you love, “flow,” not about money /status but it’s about harmony with nature, accepting the past and doing physical activity. It’s true that being in nature can bring calmness, and tranquility in a person's life when they are stressed or bad mood. And enjoying things you love to do with others and not caring about other things in life like a little kid playing around also brings happiness.

Throughout the days as I learned about happiness my thoughts about it has changed and I think about it in my mind am I a happy person of enjoy what I have already. Or am I an external person that what more so that they can be a happy person. I believe that I’m both external and internal person. So this is what I have learn about happiness throughout my life.

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