Too Much Judging | Teen Ink

Too Much Judging

April 29, 2014
By happiness_is_the_key BRONZE, Panaji, Other
happiness_is_the_key BRONZE, Panaji, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Doubt should only be that - a reality check. Not a descend. - Anonymous.

All of us teenagers are used to being judged by our friends, teachers, colleagues etc. And most of us take it as a part of life while most of us don’t. It isn’t really a part of our lives that’s what we’ve turned it into. At a certain point in life even we have to judge or have judged people be it their looks, hair, size, colour, and even clothes. We can’t deny that fact. But amongst us are some people who have a hobby of judging people for anything and everything. These people are the ones who are the reason for an increasing rate of teenage suicides. Some of these people may not realize its wrong while others know it hurt’s someone else but would love to see that scenario. These are actually the people who need to be helped and not the people to whom this happens. I know it isn’t easy to not let these people affect you but we need to think again and remember the ones who matter wouldn’t be judging and the ones who don’t matter don’t need your time. I know it isn’t as easy as it is for me to say it but by taking this thought in mind and showing these people that you don’t care their confidence will be as low as the floor. Hold your head high and walk in pride don’t let these people affect you.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 6 2014 at 9:53 am
CosmoPhoenix PLATINUM, Kochi, Kerala, Other
28 articles 5 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela

I especially like the way how you have stood and looked at things from various angles, which has added support to the construction of the article. This is very much the truth, and it needs awareness amongst those who fail to analyze its importance.