Gun Protection | Teen Ink

Gun Protection

April 1, 2014
By Haluce BRONZE, Frankfort, Kentucky
Haluce BRONZE, Frankfort, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We live with the scars we choose"

Are you scared every day when you go to school or when you even just go to the store? The government has tried making gun regulations, but does it really make a difference? The issue of mass murder has been in the news for a couple of years, since Columbine and Virginia Tech. It was made clear after these tragedies they were announced to the public how many deaths, injured, if the offender was killed, etc. But they don’t go into the detail of the offender’s life. Many of the offenders are emotionally or mentally ill individuals.

Gun Laws

First of all our country’s gun laws need to be stronger, they need to provide background checks. Most guns bought are purchased without any background check. During the back ground checks they should look for emotional or mental illnesses. One reader of CNN article: 10 ways to put brakes on mass shootings in schools said it is difficult to regulate guns, "There are countless gun laws on the books already and any additional ones will only serve to keep honest people honest. Criminals are criminals because they have no regard for the law and could care less whether guns are banned or not. Your logic is rather simplistic or just plain ignorant and it's sad that others seem to agree with you.” There is no way to get rid of gun completely, but there is no one person that needs to carry a semi-automatic gun. Also people who carry guns for self-defense should have to go through training. Previous gun owners should be mandate to register there guns. Stronger gun laws will help, but will it solve the problem.


Many of the offenders are emotionally or mentally ill individuals. In the article 10 ways to put brakes on mass shootings in schools, it said, "Pushing the blame onto guns diverts it from where the real need is: better, more comprehensive mental health services and facilities; addressing these issues in their infancy when they're first manifesting in childhood or puberty instead of assuming 'it's just a phase' or 'they'll grow out of it;' not know to go to drug manufacturers by prescribing anti-depressants or whatever at the first sign of trouble; getting people to understand that they won't be punished or cast out or labeled weird for seeking help." This quote shows that it is not just the mental individuals that cause school shootings; it is also the students that go to the schools. This leads to the topic of arming the schools. One of the commenters on CNN said, "The shooters know that the people there will have no way of defending themselves and that is why these tragedies are happening in these zones. We need to give the teacher's defense so it will discourage these psychopaths from shooting there. There is great evidence that greater gun control means more gun violence (because the bad guys still get guns and they know the good guys are unarmed)." Our country needs to arm the teachers, to defend the students. They also need to add metal detector and need to have every person to go through it before entering the school. The government needs to add more protection so the “bad guy” won’t go to the schools to kill.


One of the major reason shooting happen is because of the media. In fact, the media only shows emphasis for the perpetrator. The media should highlight victims of the incident and the community improvement efforts. A commenter on the article 10 ways to put brakes on mass shootings in schools said, "Why do we allow our children and young adults to buy video games that put them in the position of being rewarded for shooting and killing other players? I think it's time Hollywood enact their own self-imposed ban on using weapons in any films or television productions. This would definitely reduce all kinds of violence. So why haven't they taken this bold and progressive step yet?" This quote shows that it is not just mentally unstable people; it is also the media’s fault. Many young people watch movies and play video games, which involve guns, murder and harsh violence.

In conclusion, mass murders have been happening more and more often. If the government makes the gun laws stronger or if Hollywood stops putting violence in movies and video games will it stop mass murders? Would you arm teachers? Would you give up certain movies and/ or video games? Will all of this stop mass murders?

"Bible Study." 20 November 2011. Studying the scriptures; Bullets Will Fly, So Stay Armoured Up. 25 March 2014 <>.
IV, James L Knoll. "The Truth Out." 19 December 2012. How to Prevent Mass Shootings. 25 March 2014 <>.
Saidi, Nicole. "CNN." 14 December 2012. 10 ways to put brakes on mass shootings in schools. 25 March 2014 <>.
SZOLDRA, PAUL. "Business Insider." 30 October 2013. In Wake Of Zimmerman Case, Florida City Bans Guns For Neighborhood Watch. 25 March 2014 <>.
"The Week." 12 December 2012. How to Prevent More Mass Killings. 25 March 2014 <>.

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