My Thoughts | Teen Ink

My Thoughts

July 15, 2013
By ZombieWriter SILVER, Yorktown, Indiana
ZombieWriter SILVER, Yorktown, Indiana
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It costs nothing to speak out, but remaining silent could cost everything" V for Vendeda

Ya, I have no problem with people who are gay, bi, straight, or don't know. I don't care, as long as you're happy. If you're homophobic, ok, but don't yell about it or make a huge deal about it, don't let your hatred consume you. Religion, I'm the same way. If you love god, great. If you don't ok, good for you. Christian, awesome. Jewish, cool. Atheist, whoop-DE-freekin-do. Hey, even if you're Hindu, Muslim, Agnostic, Pagan, or what ever, as long as you're happy, go for it and good luck to ya. But when you start spouting how your god is going to condemn me or one of my friends for something they have no control over, that's when I get a little ticked off. no one knows what awaits us on the other side or if there is another side, but if there is someone who is in charge of everything, I doubt he, she or they would hate anyone for who they are, inside or outside. I think whoever is on the other side watching us from where ever, wants us to be kind and tolerant to each other, and not to hurt each other or bring us down for being who we are. Does that sound about right?

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