My Summer Vacation! | Teen Ink

My Summer Vacation!

June 3, 2008
By Anonymous

I can’t wait for my summer vacation I am going to do so much stuff!
I get my license on June 28 and I am already making plans to drive practically all around the world. The only problem is: I have to pay for gas and insurance, which can get very expensive. I will be volunteering for Cape Coral Hospital every Monday this summer so I can get my community service hours in to go to a college because most of the colleges require more than 75 hours of community service. At the Hospital I will be helping in the emergency room and working with children in the child development center. I currently hold a job at Winn-Dixie and am trying to save up money so I can pay for some of the activities this summer like going to Universal Studios or Islands of Adventure. My cousin is coming down from Michigan and she has never been to a theme park or to a beach so this will be very exciting for her. My summer will be jam-packed full of fun stuff but I am most excited about getting my license; I can’t wait its going to be the best summer ever!

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