The Power of Freedom | Teen Ink

The Power of Freedom

October 28, 2019
By GeorgeLopez BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
GeorgeLopez BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Freedom is waking up every morning with a motive and passion to achieve a goal for today, because of the brave men and women who serve our nation so we can have those privileges. Going to a job, getting to see family, doing what I love because of those soldiers. During the day staring at clouds pointing out funny shapes to my friends. Peaceful at night watching the bright stars in the sky hit my eyes.

Freedom is what our nation was founded on. Two world wars that we lost many brave men in for the right for us to have freedom. There is no other group of people that we respect more than the people who fought for our freedom. The amount of blood that was shed, lives that were lost and souls that were affected just so we can have the ability to be free. 

Freedom is what every country wants. They want to be like us for having so much of it. People that live in other countries will get jealous about the USA because we have the right to education, tutors, being able to vote, playing whatever sport we want to and go to whatever school no matter what gender or color someone is and no matter what skill level.

Freedom is our dark past and moving on from it. Slavery and discrimination against other races and how we moved on from it. The effect it had on what we do to each other today and how we treat everybody the same because once upon a time people were not treated equally and their freedom as a person was different.

Freedom is being able to say what we want and being able to think what we want. No matter what I might think of someone else and what they think, they are allowed to think that way because we all have our own right to do that which makes this country so great.

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