My Future Vote | Teen Ink

My Future Vote

October 23, 2019
By camdog22 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
camdog22 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Freedom, a word we all take for granted in our daily lives. A word with no exact definition, and a word that I want to identify the meaning for myself. To me America is freedom, behind the freedom of America is a story of never giving up. My generation was handed this freedom from the past generations who sacrificed it all for us. 

My vote shows respect. Every American citizen was given the chance to show their respects. I will vote for my grandpa, who has recently passed away. He fought for me, my family and every other person who has the privilege to vote. When I choose who represents my country it is a way to pay my thanks and respect to people who defended our country. My vote is respect. 

My vote means power. Before I understood what my vote was, I thought my one vote wouldn't mean anything. If every person thought that, no one would vote. The singular vote you put together with others provides a voice. A voice that wants to be heard, to change what we think will guide us to success for our future loved ones. My vote is power.  

My vote shows sacrifice. As a young man who says goodbye to his parents, hoping he will see them again as he leaves for his country protecting it with his own life.  War is a terrible thing that most, including myself, fear. The heros who defend not only my country but my freedom, are recognized as a very meaningful symbol to me. My vote is sacrifice. 

My vote describes a world that went through change for the better. A transition that made my country closer by allowing men and women of every race to be given equal rights to decide on my country's future.

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