Different Types of Beauty | Teen Ink

Different Types of Beauty

September 25, 2018
By NesrynRose BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
NesrynRose BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hot Leg Hot Hot Leg Leg So Hot You Fry An Egg" -anonymous on tumblr

The way beauty should be defined is hard to explain because there are so many beautiful girls in the world but they are so different you wouldn’t think they are both under the same definition. There are rose girls who have a quick wit and a sharp tongue but the most beautiful features you’ve ever seen, there are star girls who have their entire world in their eyes and you can see the sun shine in their mind when they speak about their passion, there are oak tree girls who are tall, strong, wise, and unique in their own way with their own patterns all over them. There are so many beautiful types of boys too, there are axe boys who are sharp and know how to do so many things, there are also star boys, and then there are aloe vera boys; the boys who had been hurt but let it help them heal others instead of letting it fester and infect them. Then there are the ones in between those genders, the ones who choose not to abide by the societies laws and rules. They are the most beautiful of all because they don’t try to be anything special, they just try to be themselves. There are so many beautiful things in life, plants and animals, yet not many look exactly alike; but humans are expected to look like this perfect figure. No one should have to be confined like that. Be yourself and you will be at least one person's definition of beauty, but you need to be your definition of beauty before you're someone else's.

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