Trump's America | Teen Ink

Trump's America

December 8, 2016
By Anonymous

I agree with Julie O. and her point of view of Trump.When she said,"Trump's victory seems to mean that hatred is being encouraged and is even more prominent in our country". This is basically true in our current time now. People are doing the unmentionable with out thinking, Start having an fantasy of there own where it is okay to hurt others which; In fact, they have fear behind that hate even Trump but he doesn't want to let anyone know. Just because Trump won does not mean you could do anything you want. There are still laws we all have to follow. We are not the days where both colors are segrated from each other. We are not the type of people to stop love from same sex couples. We can not stop people from crossing the border to get better education for there children. Women are not objects they are human beings just like everyone else is.

Thank you, Julie for saying Trump's win isn't a excuse.

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