I Keep the Things That Scare Me Secret | Teen Ink

I Keep the Things That Scare Me Secret

November 7, 2016
By PipperL BRONZE, Sunset, Texas
PipperL BRONZE, Sunset, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This poem really stuck out to me while I was flipping through all the different articles and poems. Just the title got me interested. We all try to hide our fears so that our enemies can’t get to us-- so they don’t know HOW to get to us. Everyone wants to be strong and “fearless” but we all have that one thing that makes us tingle. That makes us feel weak because it’s so great. For most of us, it’s a special person in our life. Not just a romantic relationship, but just someone you deeply care about. Someone you love.

“Because i’m supposed to be fearless” really stuck out to me. As an older sister, i’m the influence to young children. I should set an example that leads our youth towards success. Whatever i do/think rubs off on them. It teaches and shows them how to act or think. I wouldn’t want to be scared of everything and then my younger siblings think that it’s okay to not face your fears.

This poem caught my eye just by the title. It really spoke to me and the only thing i would change about it is the last few lines when it talks about being fearful of losing someone you love. I don’t exactly feel like i need anyone to keep me going. Besides that ending, this poem is OUTSTANDING.

The author's comments:

Our English teacher, Sonja Edwards, is making us all write reveiws to our choice of articles in an old 'Teen Ink' magazine. I was skipping through all of the pages, when i happened to stumble upon this poem. "I Keep the Things That Scare Me Secret" is based on hiding fear, which is something i worry about alot, so i chose it to write my reveiw about. 

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