Feedback for Ignorance is Bliss | Teen Ink

Feedback for Ignorance is Bliss

November 4, 2016
By AZAH.. BRONZE, Valley Stream, New York
AZAH.. BRONZE, Valley Stream, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The poem titled “Ignorance Is Bliss” in my opinion one of the realist pieces of poetry that I have read in Teen Ink Magazine. The Author Luke R. compares a “rich white man” to a “real life man” saying that the rich man goes through life happy with no problems or worries ever. While the Real life man goes through life wishing he had a grand life but also appreciating his own self value. The perspective that the author gives through the two different people and two different lifestyles is amazing to me beacause it’s so simple yet so complicated.

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