Kiss the Girl | Teen Ink

Kiss the Girl

February 18, 2016
By aleeeecxx BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
aleeeecxx BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A big round of applause for Madeline in her article, "Kiss the Girl". I can relate so much to her story pertaining to her first kiss. I especially enjoy when she mentions, "We'd been "talking" for over four months. I hate that word, but it's really the best description..". We all expect that perect relationship and everly romantic first kiss, but unfortunately that's not the case for everyone. We've all been stuvk in that awkward stage of "talking" that everyone hates but has to go through. So many books and movies talk about these romantic, perfect relationships and first kiss, but the reality is you have to go through stages of awkwardness. It all takes time.

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