My Medicated Self | Teen Ink

My Medicated Self

February 18, 2016
By flor_joana98 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
flor_joana98 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 While reading Noelle Henein’s article, I could not help but agree that a child’s “most depressing moment” was having to alter their personality with medication. Although I cannot relate to being manipulated by a drug, I can reflect towards her argument that she, just like many, is belittled because she does not seem to be normal. Her “medicated self” covers what her actual personality is; yet she decides to define herself and does not let the drugs take over her character. Just like many, including myself, feeling the need to fit in may be one of the hardest barriers faced but each step taken constructs your identity. I admire those who defy common societal rituals for the benefit of positively creating themselves. Thank you Noelle for not letting anyone or anything influence who you choose to be. 

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