The Power of the Teenage Girl | Teen Ink

The Power of the Teenage Girl

October 26, 2015
By Amelia_Seigman SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Amelia_Seigman SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In “The Power of the Teenage Girl,” the countless struggles of 21st-century teenage girls is discussed by Dana K.  Often times, girls, ”get a bad rep for being gossipy, which I’ll admit can be true.  But I’ve seen so much good from teenage girls that never gets talked about,” insists Dana.  In our society, girls get overlooked because many believe that girls, especially teenage girls, care about themselves and are rude and immature; however, they can be the exact opposite.

Ugly words are eager to crush everything a teenage girl makes to seem like nothing they can do is correct.  But, talking about girls, Dana writes, “We help each other out and lift each other up, which is good, because everyone else seems to be trying to tear us down.” This article is relatable to me because sometimes, the world seems like it wants to tear you and whom you are down.  But I know that I can always go to my friends that are girls because they always understand.

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