Review of Rebuilding Myself | Teen Ink

Review of Rebuilding Myself

September 15, 2015
By Anonymous

I can relate to Clementine W. “Rebuilding Myself” by changing who I was to who I am now.  I like how Wurzbach said, “I would suffer through class after class,” because that’s how I was about wrestling practice, just going through them to get them over.  Then I realized that it was time to change, to change to help the team.  “I was feeling awful about the way I sad spoken to my poor scene partner,” said Wurzbach.  I felt awful the ay I let my team down.  So than a week before GMC’s (Green Meadows Conference) I worked as hard as I could think it was to late.  I pushed and pushed myself to help my team and myself.  At the end of the week I did it, I made the weight class that I needed to be at to help the team. I felt great about myself and it helped my team out tremendously.

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