Review of A Portrait of Dyslexia | Teen Ink

Review of A Portrait of Dyslexia

September 15, 2015
By OliviaFirman BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
OliviaFirman BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It's interesting learning how dyslexia effects people in their everday lives when reading.  It's common for people to misread what they are reading every now and then but I never knew that this happens all the time to dylexic's.  "His mind failed to recognize 'consumption' so he guessed based on the first and last sound of the word."  Dyslexia causes people to not be able to recognize words clearly when reading.  Just because dyslexia makes it harder to read doesn't mean they can't read, "... but they also rely on certain parts of the right brain that typical readers do not."  Dyslexia has a great way of giving people the ability to use creativity when reading.  Dyslexia is not rare and many people in schools have this disorder.  Whit did a great showing that even though his brother is dyslexic it doesn't hold him back from everything.  

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