Review of Senior Regrets | Teen Ink

Review of Senior Regrets

September 15, 2015
By Amelia_Seigman SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Amelia_Seigman SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the writing titled “Senior Regrets” written by Alex H., I felt like I could relate to her writing about looking back at years gone by and wishing that the results could have somehow been different.  As a teenage girl, I tend to overthink situations and not move on from different past experiences, just as Alex states, “My thoughts always end up in the past.”  These thoughts of “what if’s,” “could have been’s,” and “used to be’s” fill our minds, causing us to be caught up in the past.  Alex supports this idea by concluding, “Sometimes I wish I could think only about right now.”  I believe that this piece was well written and also, is relatable to many readers because who doesn’t think back and wonder what life would be like if they chose to or not to make a decision?

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