My First Encounter With a Bully | Teen Ink

My First Encounter With a Bully

February 15, 2015
By JGoonan BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
JGoonan BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
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Article 2: My First Encounter With a Bully

The second selection I read was about a young boy that was bullied in his younger years for nothing in particular.  He was bullied for what clothes he wore, that he didn't eat at lunch, and that he sat by a tree at recess.  When he got called into the principals office he felt proud because he knew the principle had his back and knew that he didn't do anything wrong.

In the article I read I cant somewhat relate to because looking back at my younger days I could see myself as the bully.  You never really realize what this does to a person or how it makes them feel.  I made fun of kids that had terrible home life’s, kids that wore the same shirt to school for days on end, and I only did this to act cool.  Now that im a junior and I try to talk to some people in the grade below or in my grade I can still see that scared, hope less face inside their eyes.  Is this because I tormented them as a kid?  When I grow older I don't want people to remember me as the bully.  I want to remember me as the kid who changed for the better and would help anyone out in anyway that I could.  Treating someone poorly to boost your self confidence is and awful thing to do.

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