Bathrooms/Restrooms | Teen Ink


February 8, 2015
By amberjulianne SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
amberjulianne SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How many times have you gone to use a public restroom and it’s discussing?  According to Nana K. in her article “The Bathrooms in Japan” most bathrooms are clean there.  They are mostly cleaned hourly.  Another item that they have are toilets that have a heated seat where people can change the water pressure and temperature with buttons.  Who would not want that and clean bathrooms?  Also talked about in the article is how you can tell a little how a person is by how clean or dirty their bathroom.  I guess that is kind of true.  If their bathroom is clean mostly likely that is person is going to clean other part of their house because they took the time and effort to clean their bathroom.  It is the other way around for a dirty bathroom.

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