Why I Hated "The Fault in Our Stars" | Teen Ink

Why I Hated "The Fault in Our Stars"

February 8, 2015
By Tayvin Tyler SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Tayvin Tyler SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
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Why I Hated “The Fault in Our Stars” by Emily G. is about a girl who read the book and watched the movie, but never cried when reading or watching it.  She said that she hated The Fault in Our Stars because it glorified the illness that Hazel had.  She lives with a dad that has stage IV glioblastoma.  After her dad had brain surgery he wasn’t able to use the bathroom by himself, walk, and he couldn’t even dress himself.  Since Emily knows how sad and scary it is living with someone who could die at any minute because of cancer, she doesn’t like “The Fault in Our Stars”. 

I agree with Emily because even though I thought “The Fault in Our Stars” was a good movie and book, I understand why she hated it.  I would have too if it made what their going through easier and more fun than it actually is.  That would be horrible to listen to your dad cursing you out or yelling at you because he doesn’t know what he’s doing.  I understand how Emily felt when she watched the movie because as she says “If only they know what my father went through, then the story of Hazel Lancaster and Augustus Waters would have seemed like a cakewalk.

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