The F-Word | Teen Ink

The F-Word

February 6, 2015
By Lindsay Patterson SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Lindsay Patterson SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Honestly, this is one of the best articles I have read in a long time.  I one hundred percent agree with the author on all of this.  It really is heartbreaking that this is what our society has come to.  We’ve become a world where rape is becoming okay and people are getting away with it.  That is not okay.  But that’s not all I agree on.  I don’t understand, like the author, how it is now totally okay for everything to be unequal between genders.  I would say the one thing I totally agree on is why are women getting told what they can and cannot wear?  It’s our bodies, we can do what we want with them.  Why don’t we tell men not to make such big deals out of whatever may be showing?  I think this is a big issue in our school.  Having no air conditioning in the warmer months and having to make sure your shorts are appropriate length is a struggle.  A lot of companies now don’t make shorts long enough to cover dress code, so you have to wear jeans or capris, which gets hot.  Same goes with not being able to wear tank tops, t-shirts get hot after a while.  One of the biggest issues, too, is leggings.  They are no different then sweatpants, except for the fact that they are tighter.  If we ban leggings because of how tight they are, why not ban skinny jeans too? Our world really needs to relook how they are treating women in today’s society.

The author's comments:

This selection is all about one of the most controversial F-words, feminism.  Feminism is basically gender equality.  Some might say we have that now, but why do women make less then men, make up less of Congress, have laws made up regulating what they wear, just to name a few.  Also, she explains how we ultimately live in a rape culture.

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