Feedback on "Call Me Gossip Boy" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Call Me Gossip Boy"

January 14, 2015
By Anonymous

"Call Me Gossip Boy" by Madhi Junior Koite is an interesting article on a student's endeavor to run a tumblr blog concerning exactly what the title would have you believe: gossip. It's structure is akin to that of a coming of age story, which is admirable, where Madhi realizes that some articles posted can hurt others pretty fiercely in how insensitive they are to others. The article ultimately proved to be a good read, sure, but there's a point where my opinion on it as a whole is split.
I'll reiterate on how it's a solid read, but having a blog built solely upon building tension in your community by revealing their personal information to the public seems a bit sketchy to me. I took a look at the Gossip Boy tumblr blog, and I was relatively surprised by its content. Is it interesting content? Yes. Is it completely insensitive? Definitely. That would bring me to this quote from the article: "Many of my peers never understood my blog and still speak negatively about it. They don't look past the silly content of my articles to acknowledge how much time and effort it took to write them. What they don't understand is that I write for fun and amusement."
It may be fun to you, Madhi, but that's just an abuse of power. The decision to take down the post concerning how a girl had lost most of her friends was fine, but it doesn't seem like any lesson has been learned. To each their own I suppose.

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