1% Survival Rate | Teen Ink

1% Survival Rate

December 16, 2014
By Katherine 0'Brien BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, MA, Massachusetts
Katherine 0'Brien BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, MA, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

1% Survival Rate
“One percent survival rate” is an amazing story by Trey Buzzard about his fight to survive a genetic condition (STXBP2). It is so surprising that he made it, no one has survived past the age of 10. He is the first to live past the age of 10. But for a long time he was basically living in the hospital.
My absolute favorite part of the article was the last paragraph “I dedicated this article to Merrill King. She was my hospital friend and is now my guardian angel.” I think that was a great ending.
I love how he says “ she is now my guardian angel. Like she will always  guard him from harm. She will always be there with him.
The title “1% Survival Rate” is what I think fits the article. It’s amazing that Trey lived when he only had 1% chance of surviving. He had such a little percent of surviving, I can't even imagine having that little chance. I can't imagine what Trey was feeling when he found out or what his parents were feeling.
It must have been so hard to go to the hospital every 40 days for 5 hours and sitting there while an iv pumped medicine into his body. He is incredibly strong, every 40 days for 5 hours I could not do that but if I was in his state I would have to and I would make do.
It is amazing how he could still do sports and activities. He got his black belt in tae kwon do at age 10, the age he was expected to die. Then he became more sick. He had to live in the hospital for 2 years. It would be so hard to live in the hospital away from his friends. But I guess you would be able to make new friends in the hospital. I think Trey has an inspiring story that should be shared to the world. He will always be known( at least to me) as the first to live past the age of 10 with STXBP2. It is truly amazing and inspiring.

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