Feedback on "The Finding Machine" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "The Finding Machine"

October 8, 2014
By anire_ka SILVER, New York City, New York
anire_ka SILVER, New York City, New York
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

"The Finding Machine" by Jordan Hall is an inspiring and touching piece full of beautiful details and poetic descriptions. Jordan writes about relatable topics while also keeping the story interesting and mysterious. I can understand what Jordan means by "I am lost," because at one point in our lives, almost every person is lost and has trouble finding themselves. If only everyone had access to a finding machine just like Leonard Halsborough to help us push through the toughest parts in our lives.

"Light. It was everywhere, streaming through the air in ribbons cut loose to fly with minds of their own. And far off in the distance, a tinkle of music. A jingle, more like. Of bells or chimes or the dancing feet of fairies in a ring." Jordan wrote. These beautiful words evoked a vision as real as if I were actually experiencing them. Jordan also expresses the uplifting thoughts going through Leonard's mind such as, "A scary darkness, I thought, But then again, dark leaves room for glorious opportunities."

After reading this piece, I feel inspired. I feel happiness after reading such a wonderful story. I feel desire to be able to write something even half as poetic as "The Finding Machine." But, what I feel the most, is to rid myself of this lost feeling, and a deep longing to find myself.

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