Patricia the Horrible | Teen Ink

Patricia the Horrible

December 18, 2013
By Irvin Reyes BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Irvin Reyes BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I strongly agree with Sofia Wesley's "Patricia the Horrible." Regarding heavily on her quote, "if you judge someone, you have no time to love them." I can relate to Sofia when she said, "hate was my protection, my shield" at one point in my life. I fond Sofia's article extremely moving, because she learned to transform her hatred toward her stepmother Patricia into love. Also that Patricia never gave up hope on Sofia after three years of resenting her. A big appreciation must be given to Sofia for sharing her story. In order to encourage others who may be in that same situation that change in one's heart in not impossible.

The author's comments:
After reading this i learned to not judge people without getting to know them first.

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