Low-Carb Diets = Big Business | Teen Ink

Low-Carb Diets = Big Business MAG

By Anonymous

     Thank you so much, Rodica K., for your article "Low-Carb Diets = Big Business." Low-carb diets are the big fad right now among those wanting to lose weight, but I am strongly against it. I think that this plan deprives your body of essential carbohydrates necessary for energy.

There are many other ways to lose weight, including cutting out junk food. Reducing or completely cutting carbs is unhealthy and can even lead to health problems (such as high cholesterol). Eating the majority of your meals at fast-food places is unhealthy.

Beware, many snack foods now that are labeled "low-carb" are not necessarily low in fat, so you could actually be consuming twice the amount of fat and even end up gaining weight, which completely destroys the whole point of a diet.

I really hope that this country gets a reality check and sees that this "miracle diet" isn’t such a miracle.

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