The Reality of Depression | Teen Ink

The Reality of Depression

September 10, 2019
By BigCheese BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
BigCheese BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled Parents Need to Take Their Teen’s Mental Health Seriously, written by Clarence S., talks about mental health problems, depression in particular. His writing left me feeling confused. I agree with the main message of this article, but the author could have done much better. Clarence S. talks about the seriousness of mental illness, but states that parents commonly shrug off depression by calling it “teenage stuff” and stating that “hormones are just acting up.” This may be the case with some kids, but in most cases, the parents are right.While some kids have serious depression and need help, many cases are just a result of pessimism and negativity. At our age hormones and emotions are more powerful influencers than logic and to be frank, intelligence. Happiness is, for the most part, a choice. One can say “I hate my life,” or they can look on the bright side and say “thank God I have a family and a house and a bed I can sleep on every night.” Obviously, there are some people who are in poor living situations or are abused who can’t say that. However, even they can be happy. The best advice I have ever been given is “no matter how bad your life seems, things can ALWAYS be worse, so look on the bright side.” 

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